The 2024 dates have been set

15 November 2023

The Haarlem Vinyl Festival returns next year! From September 27 to 29, 2024, Haarlem will once again be the global destination for vinyl enthusiasts. Weekend tickets are now on sale against early bird rate.

The Haarlem Vinyl Festival is unique of its kind worldwide due to the plan and size of the festival. The first edition, last September, attracted an estimated 15,000 visitors who visited one or more of the participating locations. In total, there was a program at 30 locations over three days, from concerts and vinyl DJ sets to lectures and interviews, exhibitions, film screenings, and special workshops.

The first gold record, released in Haarlem
The program promises to be broad and diverse again in 2024. During the festival, it will be exactly 70 years ago that the first gold record was awarded worldwide, in Haarlem. The organization will, of course, reflect on this milestone. In addition to looking back, we also look forward to the latest innovations in the audio- and vinyl industry. Keep an eye on the website and social channels for the first announcements about topics, speakers and performing artists!

Free record fair at Nieuwe Groenmarkt 
The record fair will take place again at the Nieuwe Groenmarkt in 2024. On Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 September, young and old can again look for the missing pearls in the collection. The fair, organized in collaboration with Europe's leading host Record Planet, is free of charge. Vendors can now contact Record Planet to secure their spot at the market!

Tickets on sale
Weekend Passes (all-access day and night)  and Vinyl Culture tickets (access to the day program) are now on sale against Early Bird rate, so book now to save on your Haarlem Vinyl Festival weekend!