Following up on recent announcements about Steven Wilson and the Haarlem Record Label Market (HRLM) we continue with another nice addition to the day program. Vinyl aficionado, DJ, producer, and label owner Cassy will be at the PHIL on the Saturday September 28th for a special edition of Talking About My Records. Visitors can expect a highly passionate and energetic Cassy whose 20-year career has been given a boost since moving back home to Austria and reconnecting with the huge vinyl stash she had left there. But what really makes this appearance and show stand out is the sense that Cassy's enthusiasm for the music that fuels club culture has been revitalised. So come along and witness the sparkling beginning of a new era for Cassy.
Given that her trailblazing career has already lasted over two decades, a serious recalibration was to be expected at some point. After briefly tapping out in 2020, Cassy arrives at the Haarlem Vinyl Festival focused firmly on the future, with the outlook that she's here and thoroughly enjoying DJ-ing anew. “I feel like I better understand my job description. I better appreciate what the moment needs. As Larry Levan advised, drop the ego. Let's keep it real,” she comments.
Make sure to check out Instagram and tune in to Refuge Worldwide radio to get a better understanding of the Talking About My Records sessions hosted by Cassy. Just like in the videos, visitors at the Haarlem Vinyl Festival will gain insight into how to listen to and select records for various occasions. This offers valuable lessons for both DJs and vinyl collectors, along with an in-depth look into one of electronic music's most respected selectors.
Talking About My Records with Cassy
Date: Saturday September 28th
Venue: PHIL
Tickets: This session is accessible for Vinyl Culture and Weekend Pass holders, available here against Early Bird rate. Day tickets will go on sale May 15th.
Read more:
+ The Album Years, Listen in Live with Steven Wilson and Tim Bowness
+ Get on the Guided Tour at Record Industry